Hair Removal Methods and Regrowth

Facts About Electrolysis

Unwanted hair is a common problem affecting most women to varying degrees throughout their lives and prompting the use of various temporary methods of hair reduction or hair management systems. However Electrolysis is still the only proven permanent method of hair removal and many women and indeed many men, have benefitted from this tried and trusted treatment. Electrolysis is a safe, effective, progressive, and permanent method of removing unwanted hair. It remains the only method legally allowed to claim it offers truly permanent hair removal for all skin types and colors and hair types and colors.

What Causes Unwanted Hair Growth?

Hair growth is the result of heredity and hormonal levels. Also some drugs. temporary methods of hair removal and some illnesses can stimulate hair growth. Usually, hair growth is desirable. But when the hair is the wrong part of your body-a a woman's upper lip or chin or bikini line, for example, you may be considering electrolysis.

There are no permanent side effects. Sometimes, a slight reddening of the skin occurs during or immediately after treatment, but this will only last for a short time. Electrolysis is very safe and, unlike depilatories or bleaches, no harsh chemicals are used.

How Many Electrolysis Treatments Will I Need?

Since many factors influence hair growth. You will need to return for several electrolysis visits. The total number of sessions needed to remove hair permanently from a particular area will very from person to person. Most clients return once a week every other week, as necessary. But the unwanted hair. Will be gone forever once the series of treatments have been completed. Each treatment lasts between 15 minutes and one hour.

Myths About Electrolysis

  • Electrolysis is painful. The truth is electrolysis usually does not cause much discomfort. Modern electrolysis methods have readied the discomfort to a mere tingling. A topical anesthetic may be used in some cases. 
  • The electric tweezer. the method is permanent. In fact, tOme stales prohibit those who use the electric tweezer - which can • also be purchased for consumer use from claiming it provides permanent hair removal. 
  • There are electrical electrolysis devices available for home use that try to copy the devices used by profeSsionals. These devices often unsafe for use by anyone whot's not trained, electrolysis,

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